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Thank you for arriving at my .au website. As you may surmise,I am from Australia, a micro speck on this vast continent. Whilst Brisbane where I live missed out on the 10 most liveable cities well behind both Sydney and Melbourne, it has its special charm (and is far less crowded than either of those two). Just that Brisbane can get darn hot and humid in the summer but it is without the winter cold of Melbourne.

The menu above contains the wide range of niches that I have been covering in my 13+ years as an online marketer. In detail they are:

AI with Chat GPT   This Special offer includes 5000 Chat GPT Marketing Prompts and a  complete Masterclass Video Training
Fit & Healthy          A diverse mix of keeping fit and eating healthy.
All About Health      A comprehensive information channel covering 20 common ailments one might contract.
Online Marketing 101  Contains a number of links to various training manuals focusing on Marketing.
Powerfully-simple email marketing for ecommerce businesses by AWeber

